The YES that changed everything
And it all started with me saying YES to God. This is my #MissionaryLife story.

My book is on Amazon for *free*
It’s my 33rd birthday this week (July 25th to be exact) and to kick off all the fun I figured I would give YOU a gift. You know how gift giving is my love language. You are an important part of my life so I wanted to share a little bit of my joy with you today!
*This week only* my book, Missionary On The Go: A 30-Day Devotional for World Changers is available for FREE on Amazon. I waited for this moment a long time so I’m excited to finally make this book available on all devices worldwide! Plus my Mom, who loves using her Kindle is pretty excited too! ?
I would like to invite you to download the book and then leave an honest review. It would totally make my day to read your messages of love, support, and prayers on Amazon. Feel free to *bless it forward* too and share this free ebook download with your friends in ministry and full-time missionary work.
Blessings To You — Christina

#MissionaryLife Update
I’m so thankful for all that we have accomplished together during my internship with Every Nation Southern Africa / His People Church these past 20 months! Together, we’ve launched powerful communication campaigns for The Beat Africa and the Every Nation World Conference, helped young women identify their life purpose, and trained up future leaders of Southern Africa. This season caused me to grow in my love and dedication to God and passionately serve others. Truly, my life will never be the same!
This internship season has been a life-changing experience that has resulted in the revelation that God is calling me to pursue a clear next step; to go where my passions for faith and business collide. I am excited to re-enter the marketplace with an understanding that I am here in the US to serve in the “9-5 window” for a time such as this. I am eager to see what doors God will open in the days ahead!
I want you to know that I’m grateful for this season of our partnership. I fully trust that the work you and I accomplished in Cape Town, South Africa will continue to bear fruit.
Thank you again for your generous partnership in love, prayer, and financial support! I’d love to stay connected to you in the days to come, so please join my Prayer Group here.
Here’s an exclusive look at my new Stories from South Africa ebook with testimonials from the mission field. << Click here to read Stories from South Africa >>

Racism, Rose Colored Glasses and the American Dream
Today, I’m taking off my rose colored glasses. After spending 15 months living abroad in Cape Town, South Africa and hearing from locals about how much they love America and their desire to live the “American dream” I find myself saddened by the reality that although this is the land of the free and the home of the brave it is also a place where racism is still alive and we must pray to actively seek what is our role in racial reconciliation daily.
In South Africa, I heard personal stories of their tragic experiences during the Apartheid government. It’s still surreal to think that less than 30 years ago a white and black person could not walk down the road together without the black person being arrested. The same people you work with in a corporate office were once shot at with rubber bullets, sprayed with tear gas or arrested merely because of their skin color.
I will always remember visiting Robben Island, the location of a prison that was filled with people labeled terrorists instead of activists willing to stand up for the voiceless in the nation. I heard about the perseverance and sacrifice required of Nelson Mandela to bring hope and change to a resilient nation. Life has surely changed in South Africa since the 90s and yet there is plenty more work to be done.
I heard stories of hope, love and peace and was inspired as I walked into the diverse church I served at on Sunday’s. A photo of a black and white South African hands praying together still hangs in the church lobby as a reminder to love God, love people, make disciples and transform society.
Also, I grieved as I witnessed first-hand the daily battle for the “rainbow nation” to honor and respect each other as well as residents from all over the world. Xenophobia attacks occurred the week of my arrival, riots over school fees shut down college campuses, corrupt politicians proven guilty still remain in power, and more.
And yet, I found myself giving my heart to a broken nation. Praying for its people. Praying for change. Praying for unity. Praying for peace. Praying for justice. Praying God would use me to make a difference in just one person’s life.
Several weeks ago as I was grieving leaving South Africa, I was thrown into the tragic reality that America, the nation that the world loves … is broken. The people of the United States or America are hurting. Injustice is being done. Change is needed. People are crying out to God for heavenly solutions while the government continues to delay providing practical answers.
Surprisingly, my Facebook timeline revealed more accurately what was going on in the hearts of the people in my home country than the nightly news. I heard friends share their broken hearts, their first-world viewpoints and short-term solutions.
For weeks now, I have tried to process where to enter the conversation. What could I say or do as a white women that would add value?
Today, I will be praying, praying that I take off my rose colored glasses, look in the mirror and ask myself honestly “what can I do to make a difference and be a change agent in my community, church and world?”
One thing I learned for sure on the mission field is in order to be an agent of change you first must know the ultimate change agent, Jesus Christ.
In the days ahead I will continue to see God and pray He reveals my first step towards being a change agent in this world.
I invite you to seek how you can be a change agent too. That being said, a perfect place to start is to come into a relationship with Christ. In order to be an ambassador of reconciliation you must first be reconciled to God.
Let’s #BeTheChange
Missionary On The Go is a 30 day devotional for World Changers. If you are a missionary on a new assignment or you are seeking a missional mindset then this book is for you! Christina Sheer, Missionary and Social Media Evangelist shares from a first-hand perspective the opportunities and challenges you may encounter on the mission field. She wrote this book during her first 90 days as a full time missionary in Cape Town, South Africa.
Missionary On The Go is divided into three sections:
– Find rest in the presence of the Lord (Days 1-10)
– Seek His purpose for your life (Days 11-20)
– Press through transition through prayer (Days 21-30)
This book will provide its readers with hope, peace, joy, love, courage, inspiration and affirmation. Each person is encouraged to read this book with a Bible, journal and pen to write down the personal revelations the Lord will share with them while reading Missionary On The Go.
Worldwide Release Date:
November 17, 2015 via Apple iBooks
Interview Requests:
Please contact socialmediaevangelism@gmail.com